Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm Registered!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Yesterday I received an email from my agency that went something like this:

Dear Deana,

Your dossier has been registered at the MOE in Russia. You would have already traveled if you had not requested a girl. Our Russian representative is trying to locate a girl for one other family and you are second in line.

I felt the strangest feeling in my stomach!!! I could not believe what I was reading! #1 I'm registered and #2 I did NOT request a girl! I quickly rushed over to Gina's desk to tell her the good news to which she responded, "But, you didn't ask for a girl"! Right she was!

I called the agency and let them know that my homestudy, INS approval, and verbal request is 2 children one under 18 months and the other under 3 with the younger definitely being a boy. I have no gender preference for the older of the two. She said I should receive a call next week.

Do you know what this means???? I could be traveling SOON as in December!!!! I still don't know so I am not getting to excited, but I AM REGISTERED IN MOSCOW!!! Praise the Lord!!!